Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Consistently Awesome

Day #2 this walk of my final week of my run/walk progression and both runs outside so far. I am only 1 second off my time from Sunday, I ran/walk 3 miles in 31:47 (walking 7:30 total) and I'm on pace to beat my 5K using this progression. I am really curious to see if I can keep up my pace while I run the whole 30 minutes but I have a feeling a new 5K PR will be coming soon.

While waiting out a few stomach aches it became dark and I decided why not run at night? I have the gear to be able to do it but I've never actually done it, only when it's dusk out so I've still used my red LED flashing light on my fuel back and I have reflective strips that I stuck on my belt from all sides. I grabbed a flashlight to carry and I was on my way. Along the way my dad called and proceeded to yell at me for not carrying mase with me while running. Needless to say I was running on city sidewalks and was only going to be gone for a short time. Am I really crazy for not bringing it with me?

I've found out that I really enjoy running at night and find it very peaceful with the less traffic and also less dogs barking at me along the way. I also enjoy the cooler weather and even though it was probably about 55 degrees my face was still dripping with sweat (but the rest of me really was not). I really think I sweat like a dude and should maybe sport one of those sweatbands on my head, but who wouldn't want to wear this instead?

Thanks to Kim for this perfect gift!!
 This headband really has summed up my last few months as I've gone from injuring myself and hating running to loving it when I'm finally able to do it again. And of course who hasn't gone through saying this to themself doing a long run or on a day you're just not feeling it.


  1. Running in the dark is fun..sometimes. It's really nice when it's summer and very hot. You are not crazy for not carrying mace. :)

    Great headband!

  2. I have the same headband! It is awesome!

    I know you have a PR coming up - you have been getting so much faster!

  3. That headband is awesome. Is it from BondiBand??

    I forget to carry mace most of the time, so no, you are not crazy.

    1. Yes it is!! The smaller headbands don't cut it for me due to my naturaly curly/frizzy hair. While they are cute and sparkly I need more coverage to control my mane.


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