Sunday, May 6, 2012

Scanner Fun

My fiance (Chris) and I went this morning to do our Wedding Registries and we had fun walking around the stores playing with the scanners, mostly trying to scan each other. It ended up being very difficult as we really don't need much. We are both 29 and have lived on our own for plenty of years and received plenty of good hand me downs and we did have a House Warming party 2 years ago for our house we bought so that helped out alot too.

We passed on by alot of things that people usually register for, we went mostly for camping/outdoor items, home decor, a bedding set, some kitchen accessories and some other random stuff. There was one item that gave us both a good laugh that we almost registered for....

That's right, we thought why not? Do you really think anybody would buy that? Try explaining that one to grandma and mom!! It would be pretty hilarious but we decided against it.

I never thought doing a registry would be so exhausting but after walking through 3 entire stores scanning stuff and only ending up with about 50 items I am feeling like we should register for a few more things since I will probably ending up having about that many people at the shower. I know there a few things we may add but I just don't know. I guess I can check in a few weeks to see how many things are left on the registries and if we need to go add some more things.

Is there anything that you didn't register for that you wish you had now?


  1. I have kind of a funny story! My husband and I were in the same situation; we had lived our lives as adults for several years and had most of the things we needed when we registered. Well, we decided we didn't have enough stuff on our registry, so we scanned a Slim Jim like 30 times thinking we were being funny. Well...we opened our gifts and received BOXES and BOXES of Slim Jims. Our family we laughing so hard they nearly fell off of their chairs at gift opening. Needless to say, the Salvation Army got a big donation. It was cute!

    Moral of the story: Don't scan the Slim Jims!


  2. Can't help you with that, since we never had a registry... We just asked for cold hard cash. ;-) So much easier for everyone.


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