Looking back over the year I tackled a few things that I never thought I would do:
- Complete a marathon - The words " I will never run a marathon" came out of my mouth when I was just beginning to run about 4 years ago. At the time it was challenging to run for 60 seconds at a time with a rest break for 20 minutes. It seemed impossible at the time and now it's something I can knowingly tackle and will be doing another this year.

- Complete a triathlon - I've watched the Ironman Championships on TV before, but never thought is was a sport for me. As I become a runner this actually seemed possible as biking and swimming were sports I enjoyed, but it meant actually training in the sport and correctly learning it's aspects. The task seemed daunting at first but I wanted to give it a shot. I put my neck out there and I love the sport now.
- Spend $$ on a sportswatch - I finally broke into the age of technology and with the thought of doing a triathlon I did a lot of research between Timex and Garmin and decided to go with the newest and greatest Garmin 910XT. I have thoroughly enjoyed using it and I know there is still plenty for me to learn with it yet. I am looking forward to learning how to use the courses and virtual partner to help me with my speed.
I also spent a good portion of the year planning my wedding and finally tied the knot on August 24. It only took me 29 years, but I finally met a man that makes me happy and loves me for everything that I am. There were points in life where I wasn't sure that I would ever find someone that would fulfill those areas in my life.
I completed the most races ever this past year, and may even tie the total number I've done in my young running career!!
Point Bock 5 miler (March) - I walked this one due to injury
Oshkosh Half Marathon Relay (April)
Soleburner 5K (May)
Bellin Run 10K (June)
Winneconne Sprint Triathlon (June)
Fremont Sprint Triathlon (July)
Seymour Bun Run 5K (August)
Justiceworks Just Run Half Marathon (September)
Fox Cities Half Marathon (September)
Whistlestop Marathon (October)
Festival Foods Turkey Trot 5 miler (November)
I did not begin tracking my mileage until 2012 so I don't have a benchmark number, but here is where I ended up this year.
Running (590.19 miles) - You can tell when I peaked with my marathon training.
Cycling (311.70 miles)
Swimming (14.93 miles) I will spare you the graph on this since it's only a few miles a month
I did get in 25 walking miles when I could not run early in the year and I picked up yoga late in the year. Mixed in with this were plenty of weights workouts to help with my strength and injury prevention.
Overall I managed 947.05 miles for the year. I know many of you have run this many miles or more and I commend you! I have become addicted to my workouts and I have missed them this past week being sick and stuck on my couch for the last few days. I am looking forward to starting fresh tomorrow
2013 will be scary in the fact that I will be turning the big 3-0 but really I am looking forward to a great year. Here are my time goals for the new year; mentioned in an earlier post.
- Run a sub 26:00 5K
- Run a sub 2:00:00 half-marathon
- Run at least 1 marathon and PR (sub 4:50:00)
- Complete the Fremont Sprint Triathlon sub 1:00:00
- Finish an Olympic Distance Triathlon
I am a little more afraid to put a total mileage goal out there as I have learned how much of a struggle in can be to remain uninjured and sometimes life just gets in the way. But here is what I am going to try and shoot for, along with not lapsing in keeping up my swimming & biking year round.
- Swimming: 50 miles
- Cycling: 500 miles
- Running: 1,000 miles
Here's to a Happy and Healthy 2013!!!