Monday, August 26, 2013

Demotivational Monday

Go check out Rachel's page for all the details, but she's hosting a linkup for Demotivational Monday. A little spin off from all the motivational posters out there. Check out her page for several other hilarious posters and get in on this too.

The first thing that popped into my head to use for this week was pretty much a done deal for me. It's something that has only happened once so far during a race, but a few times during training runs.

It may not be the best, but what can you expect out of me!!


  1. hah! Looks like you were doing circles in that bathroom. Is that from the Wisconsin half? ;)

    Thanks for playing, Lishy!

    1. It sure was!! Once I spied that bathroom, it was on.

  2. oh runner's trots are the worst!! I did have to laugh at that though.

  3. Hahaha your wisconsin half map!!! That's so funny.


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