Thursday, October 25, 2012

Simple Amusement

I try to remind myself to enjoy the little things in life. In the current injury situation I find myself looking back alot and being thankful for all of the things I have accomplished. But I always need to refocus my thinking into looking forward to accomplish greater things.

I have had a few days to work out the grumpies inside me. It is a good thing for me to take a break from running and focus on my strength, swimming and cycling (all of which will benefit my running).

We had gorgeous weather yesterday and I was finally able to tackle some much needed yardwork, including mowing the lawn now that I could at least walk without decent pain.

This morning, I was partially listening to the news while talking with my hubby. We were expecting some severe thunderstorms running through the area and they were listing off affected cities of the biggest storm sliding through northeast WI and into MI. One of them that caught my attention........Spread Eagle. My husband and I both looked at each other and burst out laughing!! WHHHAAATTTT? Seriously??

So I had to google this to figure out where this town is located and if it truly existed. YES, yes it does!!

And then to see the highway number (Old Highway 69 if you cannot read it) just south of the city....ahhhh just too fitting.

Have you had your laugh today??

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